Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Useful Link to Toomer theme? (It Don't Make any Difference to Me)

Okay, So I've just spent the past twenty minutes trying to find any kind of picture of the November Cotton Flower, however, no such luck. It seems so one named Marion Brown made a jazz album live from Japan with that tittle. However, all the links to the album image don't work. So, as I was searching, I thought about the last topic discussed in the Social Studies Methods class, how to incorporate music and song lyrics for different types of learning styles. That reminded me of a song I heard recently, and after much searching, I came across a link to a video by Kevin Michael. A song about a man who is of mixed race. Not sure about the lyrics, but I think he says "he was black and she was white...." which was sticking in my head, reminding me of the "Becky" story. (I know, you have just followed a long train of thought there, but I did say "thoughts from the history major" and my mind makes odd connections. Either way, it's a good song for those who are interested.

1 comment:

washingtonheights said...

I went looking for a november cotton flower as well... unable to find one i did some searching... check this out...


its a cotton patch/field from the begining of bloom to end.. which by the dates i collect to end in october.. maybe their is no november cotton flower... its missing symbolic of emptiness?